It just seems so simple, right?!

It just seems so simple, right?!

It just seems so simple, right?! If your kids would simply do as you ask, when you ask and how you ask, life with your children would be GREAT! Imagine…..You wouldn’t have to yell, nag or punish. There would be more peace, more joy and more laughter with your children...

Raising Confident, Happy Children

Are there days you feel like you've got this? And other days you feel as if it is an insurmountable task? No matter what kind of day you (or your child) are having (and there will be both!) below are a few key tips to ensure you are on the right track to raise your...

Success is Failure Tried One More Time

Success is Failure Tried One More Time

As I see it, there are two ways to look at failure- As failure OR As the road that leads to success I don’t know about you, but if I look at  every mistake I make, and for that matter every mistake my children make, as failures, I would be living a pretty doom and...

My mom allowed me to walk all over her…

My mom allowed me to walk all over her…

I recently asked a mother, “What would you change about how you were raised if you could?” I was touched by her responses (of which I have shared excerpts below), by her honesty and by her fierce desire to create a parenting legacy for her son that she will be proud...

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