That’s it! I am done! Something has got to change!!!

Every single day I manage to end up in a state of overwhelm with the pile of #@*% that I allow to accumulate on my kitchen counter. It starts off clean and clear, but then little by little. throughout the day, the monster is born: Newspaper, magazines, junk mail, bills, lists upon lists upon lists, papers, laptop and whatever else may be in my arms gets dumped and strewn across the counter as I rush from one task to another trying to make a dent in what feels like my never-ending to-do list.

And then………..just as I try to find some calm and order in my day before the mad evening rush begins, the monster that has taken up residence on my counter rears its ugly head leaving me with feelings of

OVERWHELM                          ANXIETY                     FRUSTRATION

Years ago, I remember being in a similar rut.

My wise sister once said to me, “Cleaning up after dinner wouldn’t be so difficult and time intensive If you would just clean as you cook!” Wow! What a concept! Clean as you go?!?

I adopted this simple, yet very effective trick, and the after dinner clean up has been a snap for years!! Many say a sign of a good cook is a messy kitchen, but now I say a sign of a happy mom (at least his happy mom) is having some order in her life!

So, if I was able to make this one simple change that yielded big results, it makes sense that I apply the same principles with that monster on my counter!!!

And I have.

This one small change to my daily routine has created a profound ripple effect impacting beyond me to that of my family. The level of my stress has decreased; the level of my patience has increased; I have an extra skip in my step, and I have more time for myself and for my family!!


Imagine then, the possibilities for change in all aspects of your life. By knowing and then setting your intentions and taking small steps to focus on one small change at a time, you have the power to create the life you want.

I look at this as Self-Preservation. We must be willing to make beneficial changes to take care of ourselves no matter how small or trivial the act may seem. In doing so, we will have more time and MORE PATIENCE for what matters most.

My challenge for you:

What is ONE (JUST ONE) change you can and are willing to make in your life to bring more calm and joy to you and your family? What will you do to shake up your routine to make a positive impact?

  • What if you could do this together with other like-minded parents?
  • What if you had a village that could support you, listen to you and cheer you on as you bring your best each day (and even your worst) to your children and family?
  • What if you could learn techniques that helped you to strengthen your relationship with your children and LAUGH a whole lot more?

This will all be possible beginning in January when I am going LIVE with my online parent community, Parenting For Happy Families: It Takes a Village.

Click here to see a sneak preview and get ready to bring your parenting to a whole new level!

My local Village groups have loved the support that comes from parenting together. I am now bringing this amazing group to you no matter where you are in the world.  And guess what?  You get to show up in slippers (and pjs) if you want!

Parenting DOES take a village so let’s be that Village, together! 

Let’s get this conversation started! Hit reply and let me know what change you are going to make this week in your household.

CHEERS to more peace, more joy and stronger relationships with your children and family.

Have you laughed with your kids today?

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