Happy Holidays!

Imagine for a moment that the holidays had nothing to do with presents under the tree.

What would that look like, sound like, feel like for you?

I wonder what that would look like, sound like, feel like for your child? (There is one way to find out!)

Maybe it is the sound of laughter playing in the snow, the warmth of sipping hot cocoa with one another, the vision of family playing games together by a fire or the words of a loved one sharing what they love about you and why.

Presents can be exciting, fun and meaningful. But all too often, many of us, including myself, get sucked into the holiday frenzy of the hustle and bustle of finding the perfect gift to give, of getting steals and deals that taking time for what really matters to each of us is put on the shelf out of site.

Are you ready for my holiday challenge? Are you ready to make memories that last?

Let’s get started-
Take a deep breath.
Have fun discovering and creating magic this holiday season with your children and family through answering the 4 questions below.

  • What do the holidays mean to you?
  • What message do you want to send to your child about the holidays?
  • If you could make one thing happen this holiday, what would that be?
  • What can and WILL you do to help make your vision come to life?

Want some accountability? Hit reply and let me know what your holiday intentions are!

We are in this together! No one needs to parent alone.

As a gift for you, On January 17, I will be hosting a free virtual training for parents that want real support from a real live parent community along their parenting journey.

We will be talking about power struggles and putting an end to arguing with our kids and the possibilities this could bring to you and your family.

I wonder what those possibilities and outcomes could be for you?

Click here to join and build community with other dedicated parents like you.
See you on January 17 at 12:00 ET.

May your holidays and beyond be filled with peace, joy and laughter.

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