I recently asked a mother, “What would you change about how you were raised if you could?”

I was touched by her responses (of which I have shared excerpts below), by her honesty and by her fierce desire to create a parenting legacy for her son that she will be proud of.

Read her story below and if you, too, are seeking ways to create a parenting legacy you can be proud of, click here to begin your journey of happy parenting!

mother and child cooking “I would change the fact that my mom allowed me to walk all over her and was not consistent in disciplining me or allowing me to learn my own lessons. I would change the fact that she used punishment and shame instead of digging into the real issues underneath the behavior and working through them with me. I would also have liked her to invite me to participate in cooking, cleaning, and household chores more so that I could’ve learned to do those things and felt valued for participating……….


nurturingAs a child, my mom did so many things for me that I believe it impacted my decision making skills and trusting myself. I believe the message I received from her was that I was incapable of doing things on my own. Today, it is very hard for me to make a decision about even the smallest things. I want to guide my child in such a way that does not take away from his innate knowing about what is right and wrong for him. I want to nurture his soul and guide him to listen to his inner voice and never be afraid to be different or stand up for himself for what he thinks is right. I want him to know that no matter what he does he will always be worthy of love. That is something my mom sometimes failed to do- she made me feel shameful of my actions, which only caused more disconnection between us”

Can you relate to this mother’s story?
Do you want to raise your child differently than you were raised? 
Do you want to raise your child so they are able to thrive emotionally, mentally and socially?
Are you ready for a happier home? Happier kids? A happier you?
Join us for THIS one of a kind group JUST FOR PARENTS! And let’s bring the laughter home again!
Click here for the NEW DATES of this one of a kind group that will take your parenting to the next level!


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