It just seems so simple, right?!

If your kids would simply do as you ask, when you ask and how you ask, life with your children would be GREAT!

Imagine…..You wouldn’t have to yell, nag or punish. There would be more peace, more joy and more laughter with your children filling all the rooms of your home (and your car, too!)

Ahhhhhh…isn’t it fun to dream!

Wait- don’t give up! Dreams can and do come true.

What are your dreams as a parent for 2018?

I have been in several conversations just this week with parents that want change.

They are tired of yelling.
They are tired of nagging.
They are tired of arguing with their children over simple tasks that if the kids would simply just do them, there would be no yelling, nagging and arguing.

Seriously, we all know that it only takes a minute to put shoes away or 2 minutes (and I bet you would even be happy with 30 seconds!) to brush teeth!

Aaaaagh!!!! Why do kids have to make something that is really so easy and quick so very difficult and time-consuming?

Does this resonate with you?

What is one argument or challenge you are tired of having with your kids?
Hit reply and let me know. I want to be ready to help you.

This does not have to be your story with your kids.

Join me NEXT WEEK on Wednesday, January 17 for a FREE virtual training on ZOOM with other like-minded and dedicated parents to put an end to arguing in 2018.

If you want to gain insight and clarity to the power struggles you find yourself in with your kids and you want to discover the reasons that fuel these battles and what you can do about it, then I hope you join us!

Don’t parent alone! Your Parent Village is here for you.

Click here to join and Cheers to the beginning of the end.

PS If you can’t join us live, no problem. As long as you sign up, I will send you the link to the recording and you will be able to listen when all is calm.

Here’s to more peace, more joy and stronger relationships with your family in 2018 (and beyond)!

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