Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an iconic pastor, human rights activist and leader in the American civil rights movement has, and will forever, impact the world not only as a whole but if we allow him to, on us as individuals.

When I think of Dr. King, the following 3 words immediately come to my mind:

Dr. King’s dream of having peace and equality for all was one in which he believed so deeply in that he persevered through
the very worst of times having hope and faith every step of the way.

What are your dreams?
as a parent?
for your family?
for yourself?
Your dreams can become your reality! But first, you must believe.

Do you believe in yourself? What we say to ourselves is a reflection of what we believe which then becomes our truth. If you tell yourself, “I’m a terrible parent” or “I have no more patience to give!” then guess what?

Do you believe in your children? Your children believe about themselves what they believe that you believe about them. Even if you say you believe in your kids, your words and your actions may be telling a different story. Have you ever told your child he is irresponsible? Are you always there with loving reminders for your child?

Persevering through the many challenges of raising children is not easy but so important to do if your dreams are to become a reality.

And if you are parenting alone, the challenge is magnified greatly testing your ability or willingness to persevere!

Dr. King showed great strength and perseverance while fighting his cause but he had the help of many others right alongside him.

So let’s learn from Dr. King! Let’s band together as parents and support one another to reach the dreams you have for yourself and for your family.

Join me along with other dedicated parents like yourself, and watch your dreams come true in “It Takes a Village” virtual parent group.

After all, It really does take a Village to raise a child.

Click here for details and to create a parenting legacy of your dreams.

May your MLK day be filled with peace and joy!

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