Morning Tears and Slamming doors, Oh My!
Join us for this one of a kind life changing Hybrid Group for more peace, laughter and joy in your family! With sweaty palms, blood pressure rising and heart racing, Mom and Dad (while rushing to get everyone out the door for school and for work) tried valiantly to...
What is the Definition of Insanity? Parenting Food for Thought
According to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Here we are at the beginning of another school year. New teachers, new classrooms, and new chances- A fresh start! Are you hoping and...
Gr-Attitude: 5 Tips to a Year Long Thanksgiving!
In just a few days, we will be sitting down to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends. Dinner conversations in homes across the country will begin with the ritual of going around the table, and from young to old, sharing what each is thankful for and why....
3 Steps to Help Your Child Navigate Friendships
A warm welcome to Jessica Todd, LPC, my guest columnist, on helping you to help your child navigate their friendships. 3 Steps to Help Your Child Navigate Friendships Does this story sound familiar: you pick your child up from school and he/she begins to cry or is...
Back to School- 5 Tips for a GREAT School Year!
Wow! Summer has come to an end (at least here in the Southeast). I hope you had a fantastic summer filled with laughter, excitement and plenty of family time. It’s hard to believe that August is here and school doors will soon be open, car pool lines will be forming...
School is out, Gone is the Routine- 8 Tips For Surviving Unstructured Days of Summer
Ahhhhhh….. summer time! Here at last! Finally, a much needed break from the ringing of the pre-dawn alarm clocks, nagging the kids to get their homework done and rushing from one activity to another. But wait…that also means saying goodbye to the comfort of order and...
Kids Are People Too!
KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO! Can you remember a time when you had a bad, rotten day? What was that like for you? When you are feeling down, angry, hurt, frustrated etc. what do you need in those moments? Do you need someone to tell you that you shouldn’t feel the way you are...
A gift to yourself = A gift to your children
It’s 2015! New beginnings bring new goals, commitments and resolutions. As a parent, you may have decided this is going to be the year to end the madness; to stop the yelling, end the nagging and make lecturing a thing of the past. Or perhaps you have made the...
Plugged in but Disconnected
Iphones, androids, Ipads, pc’s, macs, gaming devices, nanos, nooks and kindles. Facebook, twitter, linked-in, instagram and pinterest. We are surrounded by technology……it’s in our homes, our schools, our workplace, our cars, and in our pockets and purses. We are...
Eliminating Power Struggles
“That’s not fair!” “I don’t want to do my homework!” “I’ll do the dishes later!” Oh, the ever beloved power struggle. Pushing boundaries and testing limits may be a normal part of growing up but dealing with this behavior can be enormously frustrating and the end...