I hope you are hanging in there!
I’m not sure about you but I have completely lost track of time during our new normal of Covid-19. I can’t remember how long we have all be been social distancing or in lockdown mode but based on my new Coronavirus hairstyle it’s been quite some time!
The world is trying to grasp the enormity of this event while trying desperately to find its way back to normalcy, whatever that may be.
In the midst of our global concerns however, we cannot forget the impact this is having on each of us as parents.
Parents are experiencing a roller coaster of emotions- anger, anxiousness, frustration, overwhelm, sadness. And many are feeling guilty for thinking that life is just not fair right now.
But, life as we know it, isn’t fair right now AND I am here to tell you, it’s ok to feel that way along with all the other emotions you may have!
So go ahead, say it or better yet, scream it into a pillow (and add to this list):
“It’s not fair that; I am angry that; I feel so overwhelmed that; I am frustrated that;
- I don’t get ANY time to myself!
- I have to teach my kids math!
- I can’t go to the bathroom without my kids following me!
- I can’t get together and bitch with my friends IN PERSON!
- I have to police what my kids are doing ALL day!
- I have to listen to bickering and fighting 7 days a week!
- School expects me to teach my kids!
- My kids are on screened devices (and have even taken mine over!) MORE than ever before!
- I don’t care (ok at least that’s how I feel sometimes)!
- I can’t go to the gym!
- I can’t (ok, shouldn’t) scream or cry in the middle of the kitchen floor just because I want to!”
You are allowed to have a bad day; to feel angry, frustrated or scared!
You are allowed to be aggravated at what you have to do right now!
It is what you do with those feelings that matter!
The caveat to managing those emotions and taking your sanity back so you can be the rock your kids need you to be is to:
Find time just for yourself, away from your kids. Acknowledge your feelings, open the flood gates and let your emotions flow. When big emotions are stuffed and ignored, they become toxic impacting our health (emotional, mental and physical), and our relationships, especially with our children suffer as a result.
Get creative- hammer a piece of wood; buy a punching bag and punch away; run like you have never run before; scream into a pillow; dance; journal; cry; meditate. This is an extremely cathartic experience that you need in order to reset your mind, your body, your soul AND your day. (Helping our kids do the same is just as important! I will be addressing this topic next).
Parents’ new favorite spots as they quarantine are quickly becoming the closet, the bathroom, the car! One mom’s trick- Play hide and seek and when the kids can’t find you, you will have found your new safe haven. Just remember to come out!
Where will your new safe haven be?
What will you do to release your emotions?
Hang in there!
Take lots of deep breaths and you WILL make it through this and more!
We are in this together.
How can I help? I am here for you and your family. I am here to help you find more peace and joy and to laugh more with your children during this very difficult time and beyond.
I am only a phone call, text or e-mail away.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.