Happy Valentines Day.

This is the one day of the year that our calendars are marked to show those that we care most about how much we love and appreciate them.

But, are you truly in the present moment of Valentines Day thoughtfully sharing your love with your children and family? (BTW, what does that mean, look like and sound like?)

Or…. does your Valentines Day look more like this?

Buy and sign cards……check
Have kids fill out valentines for school……check
Buy roses………check
Pick up candy………check
Order/wrap cute stuffed animal…….check

Have a fun and romantic evening……. (I will let you fill this one out! )

If this checklist sounds more like your typical Valentines Day, you are NOT alone.

Showing love for your children is so much more than this one day and so much more than receiving candy, gifts, flowers, and cards.

It is the little things you say and do that make the biggest difference and tells your child, “I love you.”

What is it that you say and do that make a BIG impact on the love your child feels he has with you?

Is it the way you smile at them each morning when you first see them?
Is it the silly love song you made up for them as babies and still sing to them?
Is it the nightly chase up the stairs filled with laughter and giggles?
Is it cooking dinner together with lots of “thank you’s- I couldn’t have done this without you” remarks?
Is it the cozy, nightly snuggles even if only for 5 minutes?
Is it the errands that have been turned into silly time together?

It is these moments that tell your children you love them.
It is these moments that your children will remember when they are older.
It is these moments that your children will share with their children.
It is these moments that matter in the life of your child.

Enjoy today. Enjoy the candy. Enjoy the cards and enjoy the gifts.
But most importantly, enjoy the special moments you have with your children.

Are you wanting to have more of these moments with your children but are feeling stuck?
Are you thinking if your kids would just listen and do as asked, life would be easier and more joyful?

I can help you. Contact me here or simply hit reply or call me at 404 432 1590. You deserve to cherish your moments with your children.

Creating moments only take a moment but last a lifetime!


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