3 Steps to Help Your Child Navigate Friendships

3 Steps to Help Your Child Navigate Friendships

A warm welcome to  Jessica Todd, LPC, my guest columnist, on helping you to help your child navigate their friendships. 3 Steps to Help Your Child Navigate Friendships Does this story sound familiar: you pick your child up from school and he/she begins to cry or is...

Plugged in but Disconnected

Iphones, androids, Ipads, pc’s, macs, gaming devices, nanos, nooks and kindles.  Facebook, twitter, linked-in, instagram and pinterest.  We are surrounded by technology……it’s in our homes, our schools, our workplace, our cars, and in our pockets and purses.  We are...

Eliminating Power Struggles

“That’s not fair!”  “I don’t want to do my homework!”  “I’ll do the dishes later!” Oh, the ever beloved power struggle.  Pushing boundaries and testing limits may be a normal part of growing up but dealing with this behavior can be enormously frustrating and the end...

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