For Educators

Positive and Effective Discipline for the Classroom

Pre-School through Elementary Years

A Professional Development Seminar for Teachers, Staff and Administrators

Teaching can be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding careers WHEN the actual act of teaching is possible. Teachers are dealing with classroom management issues more than ever today. With the increasing and intense pressure that teachers face today, it is no wonder that teachers are burning out at alarming rates.

What happened to the joy of teaching?

When teachers are able to handle their students without breaking a sweat AND see positive results such as increased cooperation, increased student responsibility, increased test scores teaching becomes rewarding and fun again!

Join the many educators and their students (from the pre-school level through the elementary years) that have benefitted from this seminar.

In this seminar, participants will:

  • Gain a deeper and more meaningful understanding of human behavior.
  • Gain a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the nature of discipline.
  • Learn Positive and effective measures to address behavioral and discipline concerns.
  • Gain an understanding of the cycle of misbehavior and learn ways to identify, manage and create positive cycles of change.
  • Learn proactive strategies to communicate with students.
  • Learn strategies to prevent power struggles while creating healthy limits and boundaries.
  • Learn positive and healthy ways to build and maintain connection between teacher and student.
  • Learn to increase the child’s ability and willingness to cooperate.
  • Learn key strategies to maintain a calm and peaceful classroom environment so teacher’s can teach and students can learn.

“Sharon’s Effective Discipline presentation has helped to make each GPA conference she has spoken at a success! She is always knowledgeable, organized and prepared!  Sharon, you are so talented!”  ~Terry Graham

Here is just a sampling of educator’s responses:

“I learned so many wonderful things from Sharon’s presentation! I’m a musician and can teach all things music, but discipline I struggle with. Thank you Sharon!”

“I really loved this session. It really opened my eyes on how to better deal not only with my emotions when kids get upset at school but with my own kids. I especially liked the idea of creating a safe classroom environment for the kids; how to guide them and best ways to communicate so the child is able to listen and then learn.”

“It was so valuable and interesting to focus on Responding vs. Reacting and to realize that I react more than I respond. I will be working on this starting on Monday!”

“Listen, acknowledge, and validate”

“It was powerful to learn that how we discipline determines what the kids learn and if their behavior will change. If connection and relationship are missing the discipline will not be effective.”

“I loved Sharon’s suggestions for dealing with disruptive kids in the classroom”

I loved the Iceberg visual–very helpful!!! This is already giving me ideas on how to better handle some of my students!”

“That to children, we should be like a ‘duck on the water’ – appearing to be calm even if we are not.

“Useful techniques when dealing with a confrontational child”

“Connection and relationships are key – leads to more cooperative behavior”

“This was my favorite workshop of the day! I learned strategies on how to avoid the power struggle and implement healthy and effective ways to deal with misbehavior.”

“I learned so much! Neutralizing the arguing; say what you see; that empathy helps the child link poor decisions with the consequences of actions.”

 “Kids need to be noticed, I love the “I notice that you…” statement. It is so powerful!”

Join the many educators and their students (from the pre-school level through the elementary years) that have benefitted from this seminar.

Have you laughed with your kids today?

More Peace. More Joy.
Stronger Relationships.

Copyright © 2025 Sharon Egan and Parenting for Happy Families

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